Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When Gibson said goodbye

Can I touch that key?
Can I play, that song, would I be a prodigy?
Or would I be rather sad,
Will that make you happy

Will you teach me,
Will you sing with me,
Will you sing me to sleep

Or would you rather make money
would you rather not come home
Would you rather sleep it off
Or did you ask me to do the same

Will you judge
Will you say play again
Will you be able to let me know
Will you be able to comply, in silence

Can I go now,
Isn't it too late
Did you not get my letters
Did you forget?

Should I too,
Does that mean I have to forgive,
will you ask for it
I shall think

Are you making me think
Tell me I can't tell
Am I too little, are you too big

Tell me again,
I can't tell
Can you write, I will not ask
Not for more,

I can ask for less,
Will that be enough
Will that be too much

I shall not sleep
I will wait, do you want me to?
Does that make you uncomfortable

Do I make you queasy
You want to know about me
Should I say it

Am I too loud
Ain't you too quite
Do you want me to stop

Tell me I can't tell
Tell me again, I won't say again
Will that be too much
Will that be enough


Snobster said...

Can I comment?
Can I tell, this post
is based on a friend's life?

Ankita said...

Umm, sure I guess. But mostly it all happened in my head, as most exciting things in my life do.

christie maria james said...

do i understand it?
or do i not?
i do not know,
but a good attempt, i would say
to what i read and saw.

Ankita said...
