Wednesday, April 22, 2009

seeking destiny

As I travel in the saffron hued dunes
Fiery red since noon
Hot winds blowing across my face
The sun beating down every path I trace
Exausted I stay on the move
Desperate to reach soon

Miles covered seeking destiny
Yet seems as zilch in the expance of mustard toupey
Just a few steps away I'm told
By the mentor whose impatience is yet to unfold
Oh Lord! someone gasped
By this time we all seem to have lapsed

As just as we were about to give in
Sparkling hues caught our vision
Sheer beauty was right away
Awaiting to wash us, to sway
It seemed so conspicous
Aqua marine so delirious

While serene hope has resided deep again
And maimness was harder to remain
Marching ahead and marching together
Determined for its now or never
And this time we shan't give up
For better or for worse we shall live up

Left and Right and Right and Left
We have made it,Oh yes! we did it
Joyous cries mourns of celebrations
Uprooting all failed allegations
We have defeated the cowarice
Accomplished what didn't seem nice

And the time did arrive
To reward us for what wer did strive
Bitter and sweet at the end
All juxtaposed like long lost friends
Thus everything eventuually
Fell where they were supposed to be

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